【佛山万庆316不锈钢材工业板】厨房排油烟不锈钢风道304排烟管加工 ... ...

2022-1-17 10:14
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

不锈钢风道具有减少泄露、安装空间小、工艺精细、使用寿命长等特点和优势。Stainless steel air duct has the characteristics and advantages of reducing leakage, small installation space, fine process and lo ...


Stainless steel air duct has the characteristics and advantages of reducing leakage, small installation space, fine process and long service life.



Reduce leakage

Stainless steel air duct device significantly reduces the connection between pipes and reduces the leakage of pipe joints.Typical stainless steel pipes length 3 to 6 m, typical rectangular pipes length only 1 to 1.5 m; and only one pipe joint to connect two stainless steel pipes, conventional rectangular pipe connections usually require a completely separate dual flange system.standardized products.The production of spiral pipe fittings (fittings and joints) is highly automated, systematic and industrially controlled.The cost of equipment is low.Round piping systems are installed at only one-third of similar rectangular lines.



The installation space is small

A circular tube of 200 mm in diameter in the same equipment space can replace a 250,150 mm rectangular tube without adding any pressure drop.Multiple parallel circular pipes can replace flat rectangular tubes without adding additional equipment space.Considering all factors, in most cases, circular tubes occupy less space than rectangular tubes.For the same pressure properties, the mounting space for several circular tubes is usually the same or less as for rectangular tubes.Many rectangular pipe systems require 4-bolt systems, so 40 to 80mm are added in all directions of the pipeline.



hand work

The imported equipment mold selected for the stainless steel air duct is a special steel structure, and the appearance of the restricted mold remains unchanged even after three to five years of use, which will not damage the appearance of the galvanized steel plate, and the appearance will be greatly extended.The service life of air duct is uniform, tight occlusion, strong connection force and good sealing.Safety sealing and leakage prevention system.The delicate spiral restriction rossing process gives stainless steel pipes good pressure strength.After adding spiral ribs, the occlusion was four times the thickness of the tube.The stiffness of the pipeline is very large, showing the superiority of consolidation.It can withstand maximum pressure load without damage and reduce material thickness by 15%, thereby reducing cost.





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