鞍钢邯钢无花热镀锌卷_304不锈钢板卷_镀锌板和不锈钢有什么区别? ...

2022-2-4 14:51
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀锌板和不锈钢有什么区别?What is the difference between galvanized plates and stainless steel?镀锌板就是铁片上刷一层金属锌防腐,有冷镀和热镀,时间长表面的锌是会掉的,铁就会被腐蚀,所以镀锌板价格相对 ...


What is the difference between galvanized plates and stainless steel?


Galvanized plate is a layer of metal zinc anticorrosion, cold plating and hot plating, long time surface zinc will fall, iron will be corroded, so galvanized plate price is relatively low, stainless steel need not anticorrosion, so stainless steel price is expensive, stainless steel in 200-300, only some special materials in 200-300 degrees low temperature tempering, but the low temperature is generally not too much change galvanized plate at high temperature (200 degrees, 300 degrees) surface zinc will be slowly baked off.


There are many kinds of stainless steel, galvanized plate just plated on the surface of steel plate or iron plate.The galvanized plate itself is a general board, just surface processed.Stainless steel plate is an acid-resistant alloy plate.Look at what you do, the 200-300 degrees is not a high temperature, and the relatively low price of the cheaper stainless steel 430 plate should be twice higher than the galvanized plate of the same specification.Compared to the galvanized plate price and stainless steel price, mainly to see where to be used.


Stainless steel is through the addition of trace elements to change the purpose of steel components, to achieve anticorrosion function.Galvanized plates are galvanized on the surface of ordinary steel plates to achieve anticorrosion purposes at the expense of zinc.Both 200 degrees and 300 degrees are not a problem for the metal. Looking at the environmental atmosphere, there will be some very small effects, but it will take a long time to change.





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