
2021-11-18 10:38
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

轻奢风格灯饰有很多,有挂水晶的,有不锈钢的,有金沙玻璃的......Light luxury style lighting has many, have hanging crystal, have stainless steel, have Jinsha glass......常见的灯具底盘材料有:木盘,铁, ...


Light luxury style lighting has many, have hanging crystal, have stainless steel, have Jinsha glass......


Common lighting chassis materials are: wooden plate, iron, stainless steel.


Wooden plate is thick, it is made with wood ash machine pressure, not easy to sell in high humidity cities, otherwise after-sales things have greatly.So choose the product, can not be seen with the naked eye, big is good, small is bad.Use iron and stainless steel to do the chassis, at this time to look at its thickness of the thickness, the thicker the thickness, of course, the better the quality, the greater the endurance.


chassis of iron, divided into three kinds, painted iron plate, painted iron plate, plated iron plate.Spray paint iron plate, the process is general, commonly used in the low voltage lamp, flat plate lamp, modern lamp, use a wide surface, large quantity.It also has a layer of stainless steel, it is just as the chassis; paint iron plate, generally for some high process modern crystal lamp, small surface, but the price cost is high, its paint process requirements; electroplating iron plate, generally used in the traditional crystal lamp, large crystal lamp, non-standard crystal lamp.The use area is also particularly wide, but the iron plate after forming, needs to be polished, and then plating.There are also many colors of plating, the most common is gold and chrome.


Stainless steel chassis, the most common stainless steel material is divided into two kinds: mirror stainless steel and titanium plate stainless steel.Another special requirement is black titanium stainless steel.Combined with the iron plate, the iron plate bears the strength, and the stainless steel plays a decorative role.The second is for the crystal lights used in hotels, villas, and clubhouses.





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