油烟机外壳不锈钢材质304镜面8K不锈钢板316不锈钢板材拉丝冲压折弯 ...

2021-11-20 10:34
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

作为清洁厨房的利器,抽油烟机成为厨房必不可少的电器。市面上最常见的油烟机外壳材质分为三大类,一类是不锈钢材质(注意有部分厂家采用的铁合金,表面通过喷涂或所谓的烤漆工艺处理来掩盖其真实材质,所以在选购的 ...


As a sharp tool to clean the kitchen, the lampblack machine becomes an indispensable electrical appliance in the kitchen.The most common hood shell material on the market is divided into three categories, one is stainless steel material (pay attention to the ferroalloy of some manufacturers, the surface through the spray-spraying or so-called paint process to cover up its real material, so pay special attention to the purchase.), One one is tempered glass material, and another one is baked paint panel material.


Stainless steel material has good sealing, durable, corrosion resistance, the best material in China is to use imported M-Cr fine steel quality, looks delicate and texture, can be judged by using ferromagnetic to its authenticity, suction is inferior alloy, suction is the real goods.Stainless steel also has thick and thin points, thick will be better.


For ordinary small and medium-sized families, small xiaobian suggest to choose stainless steel lampblack machine can, easy to clean and beautiful.

不锈钢具有抵抗大气氧化的能力---即不锈性,同时也具有在含酸、碱、盐的介质中乃腐蚀的能力---即耐蚀性。但其抗腐蚀能力的大小是随其钢质本身化学组成、加互状态、使用条件及环境介质类型而改变的。如304钢管,在干燥清洁的大气中,有绝对优良的抗锈蚀能力,但将它移到海滨地区,在含有大量盐份的海雾中,很快就会生锈了;而316钢管则表现良好。因此,不是任何一种不锈钢,在任何环境下都能耐腐蚀, 不生锈的。

Stainless steel has the ability to resist atmospheric oxidation- -namely rust, but also has the ability of corrosion in acid, alkali and salt- -namely, corrosion resistance.However, the size of its corrosion resistance varies with its own chemical composition, mutual status, use conditions and the type of environmental medium.For example, 304 steel pipe, in the dry and clean atmosphere, has absolutely excellent corrosion resistance, but move it to the coastal area, in a large amount of salt containing the sea fog, will soon rust; and 316 steel pipe performs well.Therefore, not any kind of stainless steel, in any environment can be corrosion resistance, no rust.





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