光亮不锈钢酸洗钝化五金配件加工2B表面拉丝磨砂压花镀色激光切割 ...

2022-1-18 10:10
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

不锈钢酸洗处理的目的是以除去高温焊接,热处理或热加工后不锈钢表面的氧化皮。同时也可以消除了红锈腐蚀的钢或铁或钢颗粒污染物。请注意,酸洗后如果没有清洗干净表面的酸液,那么表面很快就会开始生锈腐蚀。导致在 ...


The purpose of the stainless steel pickling treatment is to remove the oxide skin of the stainless steel surface after high temperature welding, heat treatment or hot processing.It can also eliminate steel or iron or steel particles.Please note that if no acid is cleaned, then the surface soon begins to rust and corrode.This results in reduced corrosion resistance in the steel surface layer below.


Stainless steel pickling process can be suitable for all 200,300,400 series stainless steel finishes.All pickling operations cause the metal surface to remove impurities, so the result of a reduced visual brightness may also be a significant reduction in size.


Heat treatment in vacuum or a good controlled atmosphere such as light annealing eliminates the need for pickling, often giving a stainless steel a better finish.


Stainless steel pickling has other oxide films that remove the stainless steel surface. Welding spot. Rust point. Stainless steel surface after pickling to produce a dense oxide film, this process is called pickling passivation.This layer of film is the key to stainless steel not to rust and corrosion in general media, so stainless steel does not have to be pickling, only in the case of oxidized skin on the surface.


Stainless steel pickling is often associated with passivation, generally need pickling stainless steel must be passivation, because pickling surface did not form passivation film thickness is thin, play little role, must increase the subsequent passivation process, in the stainless steel surface formation and the perfect passivation film, so as to achieve the effect of passivation.





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