深圳钢质制彩钢板门冷库门304不锈钢板彩钢净化板厂家保温隔热板 ...

2024-3-9 15:14
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

彩钢板门外观比较好看,因为它是根据用户需求进行喷涂的,颜色、图案都可以自定义,所以给人感觉比较体面,但是价格也比较贵。Color steel plate door appearance is more good, because it is sprayed according to ...


Color steel plate door appearance is more good, because it is sprayed according to the user needs, color, pattern can be customized, so give a person feel more decent, but the price is also more expensive.


This door is made with color steel as raw material, so it is called color steel door.Color coated galvanized coil is cut into strip by special components, and then made of cold bending forming continuous rolling into closed door special special pipe, and then the color steel door is made by deep processing.


Color steel plate production clean door common heat insulation materials: glass cotton board, polyurethane materials, etc., low heat transfer coefficient, and then clean door has a good heat insulation effect.High strength color steel plate uses high strength steel plate as the material plus professional design and extrusion molding.Therefore, the clean door has the characteristics of thermal insulation structure.


Color steel rock wool sandwich plate door is the most common product in building materials, not only can be very good flame retardant sound insulation but also environmental protection and high efficiency.Color steel rock wool sandwich plate door has two upper and lower metal panels and middle polymer insulation core suppression.


Various studies said, after the special coating disposal of the color steel plate warranty period in 10-15 years, after the next 5 years spray anti-corrosion paint, color steel plate clean door material service life as high as more than 35 years.





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