肇庆430不锈铁卷板冷轧BA板不锈钢光亮板1.0mm 201不锈钢热轧板工业镜面 ...

2022-4-2 11:28
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

什么是BA?what is BA?BA指的是不锈钢的表面效果,BA就是在2B板的基础上,加了光亮处理,发白亮光,可以照出人影,BA面,也就是比2B面更加光滑,亮度更好一些。这个都是原材料加工出来的原表面,可以做任何加工的。一 ...


what is BA?


BA refers to the surface effect of stainless steel, BA is on the basis of 2B plate, added bright treatment, white light, can shine on the figure, BA surface, that is, more smooth than 2B surface, better brightness.This is the raw surface of raw materials processing, you can do any processing.The general BA surface effect, can achieve the 8K effect.


Friends who buy stainless steel can consider Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD., Our company mainly sells 430 stainless steel, 201 stainless steel, OEM stainless steel pipe, Spot inventory of stainless steel is more than 100 tons, My manufacturer is one of the steel wholesale steel enterprises, Products are environmentally friendly and durable, and are worthy of the trust of our friends, We order directly from domestic and foreign steel mills, Maintain a good partnership with the major steel mills all the year round, Special distribution of tiSCO, Baosteel, Lianzhong and other steel mills products and other 300 series and 200 series materials, Among them, 310S, 309S, 316L, 321,304L, 304,202,201,430 and other materials specifications are complete, ample supply and prompt delivery, Standing stock of more than 100 tons.We provide stable resources for domestic large engineering projects, and have special steel, special specifications of customers agent import order business, at the same time, the cooperative processing plant with stainless steel Kaiping machine assembly line, plasma cutting machine, grinding, film, 8K, titanium and other processing equipment.Our material is complete, more kinds, at any time for you to process customized, as soon as possible to meet your requirements!





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