医用不锈钢高强度316L不锈钢板2.0*1219*C定尺开平折弯压花镜面医用金属材料 ...

2022-2-22 09:57
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

医用不锈钢由于具有良好的生物相容性、力学性能、耐体液腐蚀性能、优良加工成型性能和低廉的成本,已经成为临床广泛应用的医用植入材料和医疗工具材料。医用不锈钢与工业用不锈钢不同,要求其保持优良的耐蚀性能(包 ...

医用不锈钢由于具有良好的生物相容性、力学性能、耐体液腐蚀性能、优良加工成型性能和低廉的成本,已经成为临床广泛应用的医用植入材料和医疗工具材料。医用不锈钢与工业用不锈钢不同,要求其保持优良的耐蚀性能(包括耐晶间腐蚀、应力腐蚀等局部腐蚀),从而防止植入器械过早失效,减少有害金属离子溶出,保证不锈钢植入器械临床应用的安全性。因此,医用不锈钢主要采用具有耐蚀性能的奥氏体不锈钢作为植入材料,目前临床上大量应用的主要是Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo成分体系的316L317L等具有稳定奥氏体结构的不锈钢材料。医用不锈钢(Stainless Steel as Biomedical Material)为铁基耐蚀合金,是较早开发的生物医用合金之一,其特点是易加工、价格低廉,耐蚀性,屈服强度可以通过冷加工提高,避免疲劳断裂。其中,应用较多的是奥氏体超低碳不锈钢316L

Medical stainless steel has become a widely used medical implant material and medical tools due to its good biocompatibility, mechanical properties, body liquid corrosion resistance, excellent processing and forming performance, and low cost.Medical stainless steel is different from industrial stainless steel, which requires it to maintain excellent corrosion resistance (including inter-crystal corrosion resistance, stress corrosion and other local corrosion), so as to prevent the premature failure of implanted devices, reduce the dissolution of harmful metal ions, and ensure the safety of the clinical application of stainless steel implanted devices.Therefore, medical stainless steel mainly uses austenitic stainless steel with corrosion resistance as implant materials. At present, a large number of clinical applications are mainly 316L and 317L of non-Ni-Mo components of Fe-Cr with stable austenitic system.Medical stainless steel (Stainless Steel as Biomedical Material) is an iron-based corrosion resistance alloy, which is one of the earlier developed biomedical alloys. It is characterized by easy to process, low price, corrosion resistance, and the yield strength can be improved by cold processing to avoid fatigue fracture.Among them, more application is the austenitic ultra-low carbon stainless steel 316L.


316L is medical stainless steel, is a better material in stainless steel, used in medical equipment, scalpel.316L medical stainless steel is widely used in clinical practice.316L Medical stainless steel is also widely used in other aspects, such as for various ophthalmic stitches, fixed rings, orbital filling, etc.


The super corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel comes from the addition of Mo, which makes it usable in harsh conditions and has excellent processing hardening (no magnetic) properties.The addition of 2% Mo to the Cr18Ni8 base gives this steel a good reduction resistance medium and point corrosion resistance.It has suitable corrosion resistance in various organic acids, inorganic acids, alkali, salts and seawater, and it is far better than 304 and 304L in reducing acidic media.


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