
2021-12-27 09:59
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

虽然市场需求空间大,且产品附加值高。但镀铝板对于技术、设备、工艺要求极高,包括镀铝的控制和含量等等比传统镀锌、镀铝锌还要复杂,并且板型控制、表面平整、基板供应是否稳定、表面处理等都需要生产厂家解决。Al ...


Although the market demand space is large, and the product added value is high.However, the aluminum plating plate has extremely high requirements for technology, equipment and technology, including the control and content of aluminum plating is more complex than the traditional galvanizing, aluminum plating galvanizing, and the plate control, surface leveling, substrate supply is stable, surface treatment need to be solved by the manufacturer.


Aluminized steel plate is all called "hot dip aluminum steel plate", similar to the manufacturing process, and hot dip galvanized steel plate.But its heat resistance is better than the galvanized steel plates.


Aluminized plate is a material with good corrosion resistance, heat resistance and thermal radiation properties, and the corrosion resistance is improved by 3-6 times compared with galvanized steel plates with the same plating thickness.Compared with the usual stainless steel, cast steel and other materials of the car body, it is more and more in the favor of automobile manufacturers because it meets the needs of lightweight, high performance and low cost automotive steel, and it is widely used in the automobile exhaust pipe, engine insulation cover and other car body parts.


The thermal resistance of the aluminum-plated steel plate is far better than the galvanized and cold-rolled steel plates.Due to a specific combination of steel substrate and plating tissue, an iron aluminum alloy makes the aluminum plate with excellent high temperature resistance.At about 450, an extremely high reflectivity is guaranteed.Long use below about 550 degrees, still maintain its beautiful luster, but beyond the high temperature of about 600 degrees, alloyed due to the mutual diffusion of iron and aluminum, the surface layer gradually from gray to deep color, but the melting point of the metal layer is very high, that is, or beyond the melting point of aluminum, it does not melt out.The thermal resistance of aluminum-plated steel plate (500-600) is almost the same as that of stainless steel plates, and is more than 20 times better than cold-rolled steel plates.





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