
2021-11-24 10:35
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

在日常生活中我们很少能了解到镀铝薄钢板的只是,今天小编就为您详细讲解下镀铝薄钢板的相关知识。In daily life, we rarely know that the aluminum sheet sheet steel plate is only, today Xiaobian will explain ...


In daily life, we rarely know that the aluminum sheet sheet steel plate is only, today Xiaobian will explain the relevant knowledge of the aluminum sheet steel plate in detail for you.


The aluminum plating process of aluminum-plated thin steel sheet is produced on a continuous production line similar to hot-dip galvanized thick steel sheet, hot soaking cold-rolled thin steel sheet in a metal molten liquid of aluminum (aluminum-plated) or silicon quality percentage of 5%~11% to obtain the desired metal coating.Aluminized steel sheet shall be used for heat resistant, heat reflection or corrosion resistant, beautiful and economical.A thick plating layer (generally 30 to 50 rn) produced by immersion in molten aluminum of a non-alloy.Aluminized sheet products are usually used for outdoor structural purposes such as roofs, culverts and granaries with low forming requirements but with very excellent corrosion resistance.


The surface of aluminum plated steel plate is not only beautiful, but also has excellent reflection performance. At the temperature below 500, the optical reflectance is about 80%; the reflectivity under infrared reaches 95%.Therefore, the aluminum-plated plate can be made into a high-efficiency heat insulation barrier or a heat reflector in the high-temperature application, rapidly increasing the temperature in the furnace through the effective heat reflection.


The value of aluminum as a protective layer of thin steel sheet mainly lies in its inherent corrosion resistance. The long-term corrosion rate of aluminum is only 15%~25% of zinc in most environments.Generally speaking, the protection value of the aluminum plating for the steel substrate depends on its thickness.Long-term protection is provided as long as the plating is maintained from damage.Aluminum plating in most of the environment especially when exposed to the atmosphere does not provide protection from the sacrificial anode.


Aluminized thin steel sheet has excellent high temperature oxidation resistance.When the surface temperature does not exceed about 510, the aluminum coating protects the steel from oxidation and does not change in color itself.The plating still provides protection for the steel at 510 to 675, but causes surface shading with the formation of an aluminum-iron-silicon alloy.The alloy layer is extremely heat resistant, but because it has a different expansion coefficient from steel, the coating becomes brittle and peeling when over 675.





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