建筑幕墙工程热镀锌预埋件镀锌槽钢Q235预埋件钢板冷镀锌预埋板 ...

2021-12-28 09:57
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

建筑幕墙依据不同的面板材料分为玻璃幕墙、金属幕墙和石材幕墙三大类,无论哪类幕墙,其承载结构体系与建筑主体结构的连接,通常都是通过预埋件或后加锚固件来实现的。幕墙除了承受自重荷载外,还要承受风力、地震等 ...


Building curtain wall is divided into three categories: glass curtain wall, metal curtain wall and stone curtain wall according to the different panel materials of the building curtain wall. No matter which kind of curtain wall, the connection between the bearing structure system and the main structure of the building is usually realized by using embedded parts or later adding anchor parts.In addition to bearing the self-weight load, the curtain wall should also bear the influence of wind, earthquake and other loads. Therefore, whether the connection between the embedded parts and the main structure is reliable and durable is directly related to the structural safety and service life of the curtain wall.



So what is embedded parts?

The embedded parts are the components pre-installed in the concealed works. It is the structure and accessories placed when the structure is poured for erecting the superstructure.To facilitate the installation and fixation of the external engineering equipment foundation.Railway embedded parts are metal components preplaced before concrete placement to connect underground metal fittings for ground fastening devices such as bolts or bullet strips.


Thermal galvanizing is an effective metal anticorrosion method, mainly used in metal structure facilities in various industries.It is to rust the steel parts into about 500of melted zinc liquid, so that the steel members surface attached zinc layer, so as to play the purpose of corrosion.Hot dip zinc is the removal of steel members into about 600of high temperature melted zinc liquid, so that the steel member surface attached to the zinc layer, zinc layer thickness below 5mm thin plate should not be less than 65 m, 5mm and above thick plate shall be not less than 86 m.Thus to play the purpose of corrosion prevention.





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