烨辉渗铝板耐高温镀铝钢材烤炉专用钢材2.5*1219*C覆膜覆膜镀铝锌卷Aluminized Steel ...

2022-1-6 09:59
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

渗铝板,即镀铝板或热浸渗铝板。热浸镀铝钢材兼有钢基体的高强度和铝层的耐腐蚀、抗磨损、耐高温等特性。其耐蚀性是镀锌钢材的5-10倍;耐硫化物和耐热腐蚀方面。其性能优于18-8不锈钢。因而能给用户带来明显的经济效 ...


Aluminized plate, namely aluminum plated plate or hot dip aluminum plate.Hot-dip aluminum-plated steel has the high strength of steel matrix and the corrosion resistance, wear resistance and high temperature resistance of aluminum layer.Its corrosion resistance is 5-10 times that of galvanized steel; sulfur resistance and thermal corrosion resistance.Its performance is superior to the 18-8 stainless steel steel.Therefore, it can bring obvious economic benefits to users.Hot-dip aluminum-plated steel is widely used.The Type I aluminum-plated steel plate was originally used for automotive exhaust pipes and silencers.Type is mainly used for the roof panels and side walls of buildings and some chemical containers.Aluminized wire produced by the new process is expected to be used as a core twisted wire for transmission instead of the current galvanised wire.Aluminized steel pipe has been widely used in the power plant boiler water-cooled wall pipe, steam pipe and heat exchanger.Aluminium-plated steel structure has been widely used for power transmission towers, highway guardrail, etc.



* Resistance + weather resistance + seawater resistance

Aluminized steel has corrosion resistance through corrosion resistance of alumina film, aluminum layer itself, alloy corrosion resistance and electrochemical resistance between —— base materials of aluminum layer —— alloy layer; aluminum coated products can be used in wet areas, industrial zone and sulfur hot springs; hot dipped aluminum steel has good corrosion resistance to seawater, not only in Marine environment, but also in sea surface and waves.The corrosion resistance of aluminum-plated steel is remarkable.





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