家电用耐指纹镀锌板耐磨无花镀锌白铁皮高锌全硬DX51D+Z耐指纹电镀锌卷 ...

2022-4-21 10:12
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

家电行业是钢材的一个重要下游用钢行业之一,一些能够满足家电材料需求性能、材质的钢材,统称为家电用钢。但随着原材料价格不断飙升,给家电企业带来了不小的压力,新材料替代不仅是企业当务之急,也成为了家电行业 ...


Home appliance industry is one of the important downstream steel industries of steel. Some steel products that can meet the needs of the performance and materials of home appliance materials are collectively referred to as steel for home appliances.However, with the soaring price of raw materials, it has brought considerable pressure to home appliance enterprises. The replacement of new materials is not only an urgent priority for enterprises, but also a new trend of the development of home appliance industry.The main steel varieties used in the home appliance industry are cold-rolled sheet, galvanized sheet and electrical steel sheet, accounting for 29%, 29% and 25% of the total steel ratio, respectively, which together account for more than 80%.


Because of the hundred flowers of home appliance products, the use of surface treatment methods, the variety of performance requirements are also different, among which the most used is fingerprint processing.


Fingerprint treatment is coated with a very thin, transparent organic resin film, which prevents the fingerprints of the galvanized plate from adhering to the product and affecting the appearance of the product.At the same time, it can also improve the corrosion resistance of the product, improve the lubrication when forming and processing, and serve as the adhesion layer of the subsequent coating.Fingerprint resistant coating is preferably conducted after passivation to work together with the passivation film, so that the product has both a good appearance and good corrosion resistance.


The fingerprint resistant coating is applied to the surface of galvanized plate.The organic resin in the coating is tiny particles suspended in the water phase, when drying, water evaporation, volume, these scattered polymer particles gradually close to each other, the capillary pressure between the particles forced particles squeeze, with the evaporation of water, pressure continues to increase, make the particle deformation, finally the particles fusion into a continuous organic film.





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