ral9003钛白色彩涂板0.5mm饮水机外侧板白色家电彩涂板0.6mm砂纹黑色家电外壳 ... ...

2021-6-5 10:21
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

家电用彩色钢板简称家电彩板,是一种用途广泛的金属材料,一直以来是家电外观件的首材料,白色家电方面主要集中在冰箱、洗衣机、干衣机、空调等产品,例如冰箱的面板、侧板,滚筒洗衣机的侧板、面板,波轮洗衣机的侧 ...


Color steel plate for household appliances, abbreviated as color plate for household appliances, is a widely used metal material and has always been the first material for the appearance of household appliances. White appliances are mainly concentrated in refrigerators, washing machines, clothes dryers, air conditioners and other products, such as the panel and side plate of refrigerators, the side plate and panel of drum washing machines, the side plate of wave wheel washing machines, the side plate of air conditioners and many other aspects. Black home appliances are mainly the back plate of LCD TV. In terms of small household appliances, it has been widely used in the shell of water dispensers, water heaters, kitchen appliances and small household appliances, as well as the shell of black household appliances.


Household appliance boards with passivation treatment are generally functional parts, which are used for inner plates and structural parts, and household appliance boards with spraying or color coating treatment are used for outer plates of household appliances. Generally speaking, the shape requirements of functional parts are lower than those of the outer plate of household appliances. Generally, after stamping, slight bad shape can be eliminated after stamping, and stamping with large deformation can even eliminate obvious and visible shape problems. For example, the strip steel with thickness of 1.5mm and above generally has the defect of winding head print. After large reduction deformation, the defect of head print can be eliminated. Passivated household electrical appliance boards are also used as non visual parts, with relatively low requirements for surface quality, and slight hand feel defects such as zinc / ash, zinc slag, scratch marks, inclusions and visual color difference are allowed; Household electrical appliance boards treated by spraying or color coating are generally used for visible outer covering parts, and have high requirements for surface quality. However, due to the different surface coating thickness, they have different requirements for surface defects. Among them, the coating thickness on the surface of household appliance board treated by spraying is 60-80 μ m. The surface coating thickness of color coated plate is 18-28 μ m。 Due to the thick coating on the sprayed surface, it can partially cover up the defects, while the thin coating on the surface of the color coated plate can amplify the surface defects, so the requirements for surface defects of the color coated plate are higher than those of the sprayed plate.


The shape requirements of home appliance outer plate are very strict, and the requirements of some home appliance outer plates are even higher than those of automobile plates. Because the outer plate of household appliances is directly used after simple bending and forming, and most of the use surface is flat, the poor shape of the outer plate of household appliances will directly affect the shape and flat reflection of household appliances. Taking the refrigerator side plate as an example, many refrigerator side plates are U-shaped, that is, the refrigerator side plate and the refrigerator top plate are connected as a whole. The length of the steel plate is more than 3m, and the thickness of the refrigerator side plate is generally 0.40-0.45mm. The steel plate is long and thin, which has strict requirements on the shape of the plate.






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