首钢有花镀铝锌钢板覆膜耐指纹有花铝锌合金薄钢板加工配车配件钢 ... ...

2022-4-22 10:37
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀铝锌钢板(GALVALUME/GL)是目前具有良好抗腐蚀性能的金属镀层配比的钢板。镀铝锌钢板的铝锌合金结构是由55%铝、43.4%锌与1.6%硅在600℃高温下固化而组成,其整个结构由铝-铁-硅-锌,形成致密的四元结晶体,从 ...


Aluminium galvanized steel plate (GALVALUME / GL) is a steel plate with metal coating ratio with good corrosion resistance.The aluminum-zinc alloy structure of aluminum-zinc steel plate is composed of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon curing at a high temperature of 600. The whole structure consists of aluminum-iron-silicon-zinc, forming a dense quaternary crystal, thus forming a strong barrier against the penetration of corrosion factors.


Aluminium galvanized sheet and hot galvanized sheet are mainly shown in its corrosion resistance.Compared with the traditional processes such as electroplating and chemical plating, it has the remarkable advantages of beautiful appearance, thick coating layer, strong corrosion resistance, incision chemistry and chemical self-protection.

常规镀铝锌板和热镀锌板因其工艺的特殊性,使其镀层厚度(7~32μm )及化学性能得到优化,较传统的电镀或化学镀(镀层5~12μm)的抗腐蚀能力大为增强。尤其是镀铝锌板,在相同镀层厚度的情况下,其平均抗腐蚀能力可达热镀锌板的2~3倍。

Due to the particularity of its process, conventional galvanized galvanized plate and hot galvanized plate coating thickness (7~32 m) and chemical properties are optimized, and the corrosion resistance of traditional plating or chemical plating (5~12 m) is greatly enhanced.Especially the aluminous galvanized plate, under the same coating thickness, its average corrosion resistance can reach 2~3 times that of the hot plated galvanized plate.

镀铝锌钢板镀层的比重(3.75g/m3)比锌的比重(7.15 g/m3)小得多,因此在钢基材与镀层厚度都相同的情况下每吨镀铝锌钢板比镀锌钢板多出许多使用面积,给用户更大的实惠。

The specific gravity of aluminous galvanized steel plate plating (3.75 g/m3) is much smaller than that of zinc (7.15 g/m3), so in the steel substrate and coating thickness are the same case, each ton of aluminous galvanized steel plate is much more usable area than galvanized steel plate, giving users more benefits.





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