佛山万庆彩钢板黑色家电彩涂板0.35mm香槟金色小家电pcm彩涂板开平分条 ...

2021-4-17 14:21
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

家电生产过程的节能减排近年来也得到了高度重视,许多地方政府已经限制新上喷涂生产线,并要求对排放不达标的旧喷涂线进行环保改造,这将促使家电企业直接采用彩涂板,放弃原来的镀锌或者冷轧板磷化喷涂工艺,部分工 ...


In recent years, great attention has been paid to energy conservation and emission reduction in the production process of household appliances. Many local governments have restricted new spraying production lines and required environmental transformation of old spraying lines with substandard emissions, which will urge household appliance enterprises to directly adopt color coated plates and abandon the original phosphating spraying process of galvanized or cold-rolled plates, Some indoor home appliance shell materials with better working environment are considering using low film thickness color fingerprint resistant steel plate instead of powder coated galvanized steel plate or color coated steel plate.



At present, color coated panels are mainly used for refrigerator door panels and microwave oven shells. In recent years, the application scope of color coated board is also expanding, such as from refrigerator door panel to refrigerator side plate, automatic washing machine, microwave oven and electric water heater. The use of home appliance grade color precoated board (PCM) and color laminated film coated board (VCM) has increased significantly in the home appliance industry.



In the future, color coated household appliance boards will not only increase in consumption, but also carry various special properties required by high-end household appliances. For example, for different household appliances and different parts of use, color coated plates need high-performance requirements such as stain resistance, corrosion resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance and flexibility. Some high-end household appliances will also have a wider demand for new products such as antibacterial color plates and face cleaning hot-dip aluminum zinc color plates. China's home appliance industry will also further improve the product grade and enrich the product varieties. Iron and steel enterprises need to improve the production capacity and performance of new steel varieties such as high-strength thin plate, large width plate, high-grade electrical steel, antibacterial, pollution resistance and chemical resistance, so as to meet the challenge posed by the structural upgrading of home appliance products to the demand for steel performance.





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