日照高锌层镀锌板Z80g-275g钣金冲压用薄铁热镀锌钢卷白铁皮开平分条贴膜 ...

2022-3-31 10:18
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀锌钢板在正常环境下,镀锌板一般是不容易生锈的,但是假若保管不当,刮刮碰碰或多或少,水汽侵入,就极易造成生锈。此外,锌是用来保护金属的,假若锌包裹不均匀,露出了里面的金属或者也能在不经意间和其他金属发 ...


Galvanized steel plate in the normal environment, galvanized plate is generally not easy to rust, but if improper storage, scratch and touch more or less, water vapor intrusion, it is easy to cause rust.In addition, zinc is used to protect metals, if zinc is uneven evenly, revealing the metal inside or can inadvertently contact with other metals, chemical reactions, will also rust.Some people want to ask the galvanized plate can keep not rust for a few years, about this question, but also to see specifically in what circumstances, such as the origin is not the same, or galvanized plate itself, such as how thick the zinc layer of galvanized plate and so on.



Galvanized thick zinc layer 350g / m² and above has good corrosion resistance, can be used under special conditions, mainly used in underground bellows culvert, photovoltaic bracket, cable bridge, large steel plate warehouse, industrial refrigeration equipment, animal husbandry equipment and other high anti-corrosion places and equipment, and can replace stainless steel products, reduce the production and use cost of enterprises.


High zinc layer galvanized plate is mainly used for products with high outdoor corrosion prevention or high indoor environmental humidity and products with high outdoor corrosion prevention requirements.Low zinc layer galvanized plate is mainly used for indoor pipeline and civil use, to prevent rust does not pay much attention to the link.





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