316/304加厚不锈钢锅光亮表面 五层钢蒸锅火锅锅具不锈钢抛光加工 ...

2022-8-10 11:16
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

以前家庭炒菜常用铁锅,现在基本都用不锈钢锅了。这是为什么呢?Before the family cooking commonly used iron pot, now basically use stainless steel pot. Why is this?相比铁质炒锅,不锈钢锅的重量会轻盈一些 ...


Before the family cooking commonly used iron pot, now basically use stainless steel pot. Why is this?


Compared to the iron wok, the stainless steel wok will be lighter, and the firmness is not discounted, which can be said to achieve a good balance of heat, weight and quality. In addition, the stainless steel pot should not rust, and will not hide dirt, when cleaning can greatly reduce the workload, often clean and proper methods, the pot body can maintain a beautiful appearance for a long time.


Stainless steel pot is not easy to paste, the pot is evenly heated, simple maintenance, simple clean, especially durable, especially hygienic, and look very clean, and most importantly, any food can be cooked in stainless steel pot. Some material POTS (such as cast iron pans without enamel, aluminum POTS, iron POTS, etc.) are not suitable for particularly sour food, or some pans can not be heated at too high temperature (copper pans, non-stick pans), but stainless steel POTS are completely no restrictions, what food can be done, and the whole can be thrown into the oven.





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