工厂供应空调压缩机热轧酸洗板SAPH440 SAPH370小卷宝钢6.0热轧酸洗板普通开平 ...

2022-4-3 10:46
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

酸洗板是一个发展中的钢材品种,目前市场需求主要集中在汽车行业、压缩机行业、机械制造行业、零配加工行业、风机行业、摩托车行业、钢家具、五金配件、电柜货架及各种形状的冲压件等。随着技术进步,热轧酸洗板目前 ...


Acid washing plate is a developing steel variety, the current market demand is mainly concentrated in the automobile industry, compressor industry, machinery manufacturing industry, zero distribution processing industry, fan industry, motorcycle industry, steel furniture, hardware accessories, electric cabinet shelves and various shapes of stamping parts.With the progress of technology, hot rolled pickling plate has been involved in home appliances, containers, electrical control cabinets and other industries, among which the use of hot rolled pickling plate instead of cold plate in some industries has developed rapidly.


Hot rolled pickling plate was developed and applied earlier in foreign countries, and the domestic production started relatively late. In 2001, the first hot rolled pickling plate coil production line was produced by Baosteel.With the progress of hot rolled pickling plate technology and the improvement of raw material requirements for the development of downstream industries, the application of hot rolled pickling plate in China has been gradually expanded, and has been widely used in automobile, home appliances, motorcycle, fans, steel furniture, hardware accessories, electric cabinet shelves and various shapes of stamping parts.


Hot rolled acid pickling plate is mainly used in textile machinery, mining machinery, fan and some general machinery.For example, manufacturing home refrigerator, air conditioning compressor housing and upper and lower cover, power compressor pressure vessel and muffler, screw air compressor base.The household refrigerator, air conditioning compressor use pickling plate, the deep washing performance, the material for SPHC, SPHD, SPHE, SAPH370, thickness range in 1.0-4.5mm, 2.0-3.5mm demand specifications is the largest, relevant data show that the first half of this year refrigerator compressor, air conditioning compressor hot rolled pickling plate for 80000 tons and 135000 tons respectively.The fan industry now mainly uses cold rolled plate and hot rolled plate, hot rolled pickling plate can be used for the manufacture of blower, ventilator impeller, shell, flange, muffler, base, platform, etc.






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