建筑装饰渗铝板环保耐指纹SA1D镀铝板可覆膜分条镀铝钢板可加工配送 ...

2022-4-18 09:50
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

渗铝板在热浸镀加工过程中,熔融的铝立即与空气中的氧反应形成一层Al2O3保护层,使钢板表面立即钝化。这个保护层非常稳定且不溶于水,即使后来钢板表面被划伤,这个保护层也具有自愈功能。因此,镀铝板对化学腐蚀有极 ...


During the hot-dip plating process, the molten aluminum immediately reacts with the oxygen in the air to form a Al2O3 protective layer, which immediately passives the surface of the steel plate.The cover is very stable and insoluble, and is self-healing even when the plate is later scratched.Therefore, the aluminized plate has a very strong corrosion resistance to the chemical corrosion.


Unchemically passivated aluminum plates have no health effects and thus can be used for food processing.Test reports by many professional groups confirm that they are environmentally friendly.Aluminium-plated plates are fully recycled.Aluminized plate is comparable to stainless steel, but the price is only about a third of the stainless steel.


This aluminum plate has been a lot of use, it has its own unique advantages, when processing, its heat resistance is high, can be in a heat resistant object surface to form a protective film, and it is more corrosion resistance, stable performance, can do stretching action or various shapes of processing, so aluminum plate is so capricious is widely used.


Aluminized steel plate is widely used.The originally developed type I aluminum-plated steel plate was mainly used for automotive exhaust pipes and mufflers.Type is mainly used in the building roof panels and side walls as well as some chemical containers.The aluminized steel wire produced by the new process is expected to be used as the steel core stranded wire to replace the current galvanized steel wire.Aluminium-plated steel pipe has been widely used in the power plant boiler water wall pipe, steam pipe, heat exchanger, etc.Aluminized steel structure tip has been widely used in the transmission tower, tell the highway guardrail, etc.


In the long run, due to the lack of zinc resources, and rich aluminum resources, aluminum-plated steel will become the most widely used galvanized steel competitors.





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