聚氨酯夹芯彩钢板净化板食品医疗机构机制手工保温岩棉彩钢夹芯板 ...

2022-1-7 10:25
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

近年来,夹芯彩钢板成为一些建筑工地、部分群众临时建筑用材。彩钢板的区别主要在于中间芯材的的材质。市面上常见的有岩棉彩钢板,防火好,保温性能一般,聚苯乙烯彩钢板,保温性能较差,防火过不了检测,聚氨酯彩钢 ...


In recent years, the sandwich color steel plate has become some construction sites, some masses of temporary construction materials.The difference between the color steel plate mainly lies in the material of the middle core material.Common rock cotton color steel plate on the market, fire prevention is good, thermal insulation performance is general, polystyrene color steel plate, thermal insulation performance is poor, fire prevention can not be detected, polyurethane color steel plate, thermal insulation performance is good, difficult to pass the fire protection.Phenolic color steel plate, good thermal insulation performance, fire prevention level A2, should be the current market cost-effective color steel plate.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. color steel plate manufacturer quality is still guaranteed.


Color steel sandwich plate product is composed of two layers of formed metal panel and directly foam in the middle of the panel, that is, beautiful and practical.Color steel sandwich plate is divided into polyurethane sandwich plate, rock wool sandwich plate, glass silk cotton cotton color steel sandwich plate.The plate can be divided into metal panels and non-metal panels.Metal plate surface with its beautiful appearance, good overall effect, heat preservation, fire prevention, waterproof and other injection advantages, widely used in large industrial factories, gymnasiums, supermarkets, cold storage, clean workshop, warehouses, medical institutions and so on.


Core color steel plate has heat insulation, heat insulation, waterproof, sound insulation, lightweight, seismic, and other characteristics, sandwich color steel plate is a multi-functional multifunctional building plate.It is widely used in the non-load-bearing walls of industrial and civil buildings.Suitable for machinery, chemical industry, medicine, electronics, biology, ceiling, food, etc.






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