河北镀锌扁钢4-60mm热轧扁铁条冷拉扁钢方钢电力接地避雷加工批发零割 ...

2022-1-5 10:27
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

扁钢是一种很有潜力的矩形截面轧制带钢,在施工现场非常普遍,它是以其规格以厚度和宽度来表示。目前市场上的扁钢大多是成品钢,可以用于构件、梯子、桥梁和栅栏的使用。扁钢也可用作带钢、小方坯和轧制薄板的板坯。 ...


Flat steel is a promising rectangular cross-section rolled strip steel, which is very common on the construction site and is expressed in thickness and width.Most of the flat steel on the market is finished steel and can be used for the use of components, ladders, bridges and fences.Flat steel can also be used as a slab with strip steel, small squares and rolled sheets.Galvanized flat steel refers to galvanized steel of 12-300mm wide, 4-60mm thick, rectangular in section and with slightly pure edges.


Galvanized strip flat steel is made of directly longitudinal shear of galvanized strip steel, only the upper and lower sides have large areas of zinc layer, the production process is simple and low production cost. Its disadvantage is that the zinc layer thickness of galvanized strip flat steel is limited to about 10 m.Furthermore, there is no zinc layer on the four small surfaces and therefore prone to rust in the natural environment and is now more suitable for civil use.


At present, there are many hot-plated galvanized flat steel processes on the market, the quality is also uneven, the price gap is huge, customers can buy according to their own quality requirements, so as not to cause unnecessary losses or increase additional costs.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. massive sales all the year round: corner steel, tank steel, I word steel, H type steel, galvanized corner steel, galvanized tank steel, galvanized round steel, hot galvanized I steel, hot galvanized H type steel, hot galvanized corner steel, hot galvanized tank steel, galvanized I steel, galvanized H steel, hot galvanized round steel and so on.We welcome your phone call and look forward to our friendly cooperation with you!First source of goods, high quality and low price.






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