广东彩钢单板0.4~2.0mm彩色压型钢板按需定制氟碳烤漆镀铝锌彩色压型钢板 ...

2021-11-23 10:33
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

建筑近些年越来越多呈现高楼大厦的趋势,本来属于个别发达地区的产物,逐渐在各地遍地开花。超高层建筑记得在上学时定义为超过100米的建筑。现在不止楼高超过100米,500米以上的建筑比比皆是。In recent years, more ...


In recent years, more and more trend of high-rise buildings, originally belong to the product of individual developed areas, gradually blooming everywhere.Super High-rise buildings remember being defined as buildings over 100 m at school.Now more than 100 meters high, more than 500 meters of buildings are everywhere.


When it comes to pressure steel plate, the building with a super high-rise height of more than 250 meters will basically adopt the structural form of steel structure, and pressure steel plate as the load-bearing structure of the floor, has been recognized by all walks of life, and the application is becoming more and more widely used.


The pressed steel plate mostly adopts three anti-rust touch methods: galvanized steel plate, aluminum galvanized steel plate or a steel plate roll coated with an organic coating of color on its substrate.


Building steel structure enclosure system currently adopts a large number of color pressure steel plate.Pressure steel plate is using 0.4~2.0mm thick color coating steel plate through the molding machine roll cold bent into wave type, V type, U type and other shapes, color coating plate is generally hot galvanized substrate and electroplating substrate as raw material, in the continuous unit with roll coating or film coating methods, coating one or a layer of organic coating, after baking and cooling, so sometimes also known as paint plate.Cocoating can come in different colors, so also known as color coated steel.Type selection should also take into account the factors of the pressure steel plate manufacturers, to choose to consider the manufacturer, because the large landmark building requirements are strict, but also in the selection of the plate type should consider the technical situation of the plate manufacturer, industry reputation, relevant experience and so on.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2014, and has the dual advantages of technology and networking in the building bearing industry for many years.All supply projects shall reduce the cost of building bearing board and accessories by reducing the customer cost of 10%.





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