刀片用薄铁皮冷轧钢板表面光滑细腻材质过硬冷轧板钢卷可激光切割 ...

2022-5-7 10:55
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

在选择优质的折刀的时候,应该格外注意刀片所选用的钢材。钢材真的是刀片的精髓所在,一把刀的表现优劣主要取决于钢材。钢的本质是一种含碳的铁合金,一般还富含其他元素,以此来提高某些性能,适应不同用户需求。Wh ...


When choosing a high-quality folding knife, special attention should be paid to the steel selected by the blade.Steel is really the essence of the blade, the performance of a knife mainly depends on the steel.The essence of steel is a carbon-containing iron alloy, generally rich in other elements, in order to improve some performance, to adapt to the needs of different users.


Blade with steel and blade production method production steps for steelmaking (electric furnace) furnace refining ingot slag heavy dissolved high temperature diffusion annealing forging (blade forging) softening annealing rough processing (peeling) tissue treatment (three high temperature ignition, high temperature tempering, oil quenching, low temperature tempering) semi-finishing processing (quenching, secondary tempering) finishing into products.

冷轧锯条钢(碳素工具钢)的牌号:45Mn65MnT8T8AT9T9A T10 T10A T11 T11A T12 T12A T8MnA

Plate of cold rolled saw strip steel (carbon tool steel): 45Mn, 65Mn, T8, T8A, T9, T9A, T10, T10A, T11, T11A, T12, T12A, T8MnA.


Within the correct use of steel hardness range, with the hardness range, with the improvement of hardness, the toughness decreases.Wear resistance is the ability of steel to withstand wear.Wear occurs when the harder particles pass through the softer surface.In steel with the same hardness, steel with larger carbide (considered microscopic, hard, wear-resistant particles) is usually better resistant to wear.However, the carbide becomes brittle and cracks, thus reducing the toughness.


There are three determining factors for the quality of the knife: material, heat treatment and the shape of the edge, and the most important decision of a tool is the material. At present, the common tools on the market can be generally divided into high carbon steel, general stainless steel, high carbon stainless steel, high carbon manganese steel, ceramic steel, titanium alloy and other six categories.





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