移动厕所常用镀锌板材质蓝色镀锌板喷漆工艺防锈翻新不变色不脱漆 ...

2022-3-3 10:33
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

移动厕所常用的材质为镀锌板,镀锌板材质有着硬度高,和不容易变形等优点,成为各个移动厕所厂家的首选移动厕所框架生产材料。镀锌板的优点是在镀锌板的内外都要进行热镀工艺,从而有效的提升移动厕所的耐腐蚀性,有 ...


The commonly used material of mobile toilet is galvanized plate, and the galvanized plate material has the advantages of high hardness, and not easy deformation, which has become the preferred mobile toilet frame production material of each mobile toilet manufacturer.The advantage of galvanized plate is that the heat process should be carried out inside and outside the galvanized plate, so as to effectively improve the corrosion resistance of mobile toilet and effectively prevent rust problems in mobile toilet put into use.

镀锌板材质是以钢板为主,外表镀锌而成,这种工艺不仅仅只是为了让钢板有个好看的外观,更能够使钢板本身拥有抗氧化腐蚀的特性。在经过镀锌之后的钢板,与空气和水分都彻底隔绝开来,能够绝对保证钢板不受到外界的侵蚀而损坏。因此,不仅仅是移动厕所,镀锌钢板也常用于各类治安警亭、地铁服务亭的建造之中。镀锌板材质在移动厕所喷漆后,能够保证长时间面对日照而不褪色。 尤其是移动厕所需要的蓝色。 这种颜色,是所有烤漆中最容易因为风吹日晒而变得掉色的。镀锌板喷漆之后,蓝色将长时间保持不褪色,这是移动厕所应该达到的标准。

Galvanized plate material is mainly steel plate, the appearance of galvanized, this process is not only to let the steel plate have a good appearance, but also can make the steel plate itself has the characteristics of oxidation corrosion.After the galvanized steel plate, completely isolated from the air and water, can absolutely ensure that the steel plate is not damaged by external erosion.Therefore, not only mobile toilets, galvanized steel plate is also commonly used in the construction of all kinds of public security kiosks and subway service kiosks.Galvanized plate material in the mobile toilet painting, can ensure to face sunshine for a long time without fading.Especially the blue color needed to move the toilet.This color is the easiest of all paint due lose the wind and sun.After the galvanized plates are painted, the blue will remain colorless for a long time, which is the standard that mobile toilets should meet.



About the price: because of the customer requirements of galvanized steel plate size and flowers are different, so the price varies.The specific price to the actual galvanized steel plate thickness, flowers, quantity, etc., welcome new and old customers to call Foshan Wanqing business telephone consultation.





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