
2022-9-20 16:50
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

各行各业所需pcm彩涂板的选择主要考虑的是pcm彩涂板自身的性能以及行业的环境。The selection of pcm color coating board needed by all walks of life mainly considers the performance of pcm color coating boa ...


The selection of pcm color coating board needed by all walks of life mainly considers the performance of pcm color coating board itself and the industry environment.


The pcm color coating board has a significant advantage is the corrosion resistance, the color coating steel plate coating type, coating thickness, coating suppliers, coating type, coating thickness, pretreatment type, steel plate thickness, coating structure all affect the corrosion resistance of the color coating steel plate.So the seaside with color coated steel plate, thick coating of color coated steel plate or coating of relatively dense coating varieties are especially suitable for coastal areas.Because the chloride ion permeability in seawater is very strong, it can directly corrode the substrate coating through the thin coating or not dense coating, so the substrate of color coated steel plate chooses galvanized plate or aluminum coated zinc steel plate.


In the industrial environment, the main influence factor on the color coating is acid rain, these areas are concentrated in Hunan, Chongqing, Jiangxi and other areas with much rain, using high zinc layer galvanized substrate color coating plate, thick and dense color coating.


Non-ferrous metal smelters (copper, zinc, aluminum, lead, etc.) challenge the service life of color-coated steel plate.But the reasonable selection of materials, design, and environmental protection input can guarantee or improve the service life of color coated steel plate.Replace or maintain it in 10 years.Steel plants, power plants and so on will also produce corrosive media, but color coated steel plates have a long time of use experience.The quality color steel plate provided by Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. can guarantee 10-20 years, when the color steel plate surface scraping or paint loss, Foshan Wanqing materials can also provide the corresponding technical analysis and repair scheme.


Welcome customers from all walks of life to Foshan evergreen purchase color coated steel, this month steel fundamentals data or improved, with the domestic macroeconomic data, market expected to maintain good, but the recent steel prices bigger, expected full, color coated steel prices or will continue to rise, specific quotation please call our business hotline 13392271867.





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