河北兆建镀锌板卷1.5mm镀锌铁皮SGCC镀锌白铁皮雪花卷料代开平定作切割 ...

2022-4-19 10:02
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

作为钢厂生产集中地的华北地区,坐拥河北、天津两大钢铁生产大省,一直以来都备受钢铁人士关注。同样,华北地区也是镀锌板卷的生产集中地,国营大厂有首钢、唐钢、邯钢等,民营镀锌钢厂有兆建、新宇、东恒、万利、日 ...


As the concentration of steel mill production in north China, with Hebei, Tianjin, two major steel production provinces, has been the attention of steel people.Similarly, north China is also the production of galvanized coil, state-owned factories have Shougang, Tangshan steel, Handan, steel, private galvanized steel mills zhaojian, Xinyu, Zhongheng, Wanli, Rixin, etc.Major state-owned private enterprises are also refining products, extending the product line, galvanized plate roll cake competition is becoming increasingly fierce.


The main factors affecting the thickness of zinc coating include: matrix metal composition, surface roughness of steel, content and distribution of active element silicon and phosphorus in steel, internal stress of steel, geometric size of workpiece, hot dip galvanizing process.The current international and Chinese hot dip galvanizing standards are divided according to the steel thickness. The partial thickness and partial thickness should reach the corresponding thickness to determine the corrosion prevention properties of the zinc coating.Workpiece with different steel thickness, the time required to achieve thermal balance and zinc-iron exchange balance is different, and the coating thickness formed is also different.The average coating thickness in the standard is based on the industrial production experience value of the above galvanizing mechanism, and the local thickness is the experience value required for considering the uneven distribution of the zinc coating thickness and the corrosion protection requirements of the coating.Therefore, the ISO standard, American ASTM standard, Japanese JIS standard and Chinese standard in the slightly different zinc coating thickness requirements, much the same.


The thickness of hot galvanized coating determines the corrosion resistance of the coating.Customers can choose a zinc coating thickness above or below the standard.For smooth thin steel plates below 3mm, it is difficult to obtain a thick coating in industrial production. In addition, the zinc coating thickness, which is not commensurate with the thickness of the steel, will affect the binding force of the coating and the substrate and the appearance quality of the coating.Too thick coating will cause the coating to have a rough appearance, easy to peel off, and the plating parts can not stand the collision of handling and installation process.If there are more active elements in steel silicon and phosphorus, industrial production of thin coating is also very difficult, this is because the silicon content in steel affects the alloy layer between zinc iron growth, will make the zinc iron alloy layer rapid rapidly and will push to the coating surface, the coating surface rough without light, forming adhesion poor gray coating.





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