深圳华美彩钢净化板洁净室围护材料生物医药车间洁净板支持定制 ...

2021-11-30 10:08
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

净化板就是不产尘的一种板材,应用于食品厂、制药厂、电子厂等净化车间的装饰材料。净化钢板也叫彩钢板夹芯板,是由夹芯材料采用特制缚胶水与彩钢板面层复合,经加温、加压、固化而制成,所使用的夹芯材料不同,其性 ...


Purification board is a kind of plate not producing dust, used in food factories, pharmaceutical factories, electronic factories and other purification workshop purification materials.Purified steel plate is also called color steel plate sandwich plate, which is made of sandwich material composite with special binding glue and color steel plate surface layer, and made through heating, compression and curing. The sandwich materials used are different, and its performance and working technology are different.


Color steel plate is often used in purification projects, such as temporary board houses, color steel plate built warehouse, purification industry, etc.Color steel plate is a kind of steel plate with organic coating, with good corrosion resistance, bright color, beautiful appearance, convenient processing and the original strength and other advantages and lower cost.


General purification panel uses color roll surface smooth, no color difference and high thickness requirements of paint film, often choose baosteel equivalent grade products as the panel, and pure flat panel purification panel.And the general metal composite plate choose color roll surface smoothness and color difference and other problems are not high, but the thickness of the paint film is relatively low.Civil color coating plate is often used as panels, and the panel of the composite plate is often reinforced.


Purification color steel plate has high strength, because it is a steel structure, strong bearing force, pressure and bending.The surface is smooth and easy to clean, the surface of color galvanized steel plate is not rough, corrosion period is long, suitable for reuse.


The material of the purification plate is not only rock cotton, but also can use glass silk cotton, paper honeycomb, aluminum honeycomb, ceramic aluminum plate, glass magnesium plate and other core materials.The epidermis on both sides can be made of color steel plate, galvanized plate, galvanized galvanized light plate, stainless steel, printed steel plate, aluminum foil, PVC, triad plate, more than 20 kinds of plate composite plate.





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