
2021-12-1 10:37
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

热镀锌也叫热浸锌和热浸镀锌:是一种有效的金属防腐方式,主要用于各行业的金属结构设施上。是将钢、不锈钢、铸铁等金属浸入熔融液态金属或合金中获得镀层的一种工艺技术。是当今世界上应用最广泛、性能价格比最优的 ...


Hot galvanization is also known as hot dip galvanization and hot dip galvanization: it is an effective metal anticorrosion method, mainly used in metal structure facilities in various industries.It is a technology of soaking steel, stainless steel and cast iron into molten liquid metal to obtain a coating or alloy.It is the most widely used and optimal performance price steel surface treatment method in the world.Hot galvanized products play an immeasurable and irreplaceable role in corrosion reduction and life extension, energy saving and energy saving materials. At the same time, coated steel is also a high value-added short-term product of national support and priority development.


The binding strength of hot galvanized layer and substrate is high and can withstand greater friction and impact; hot galvanized layer is thick (80-220g / ) with better corrosion resistance.


Hot galvanizing process is widely used in steel plate, steel strip, steel wire, steel pipe, structural parts, parts products and its application fields are quite wide, such as light industry, home appliances, automobile, and construction industry, etc.In the automobile industry, it can be used for automobile body, shell, inner plate, floor, etc., shell and floor for various household appliances and light industry; in the construction industry, light steel keel, building level panels, corrugated panels, rolling doors for various industrial and civil buildings.






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