
2022-8-30 12:04
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

表面处理是在基体材料表面上人工形成一层与基体的机械、物理和化学性能不同的表层的工艺方法。表面处理的目的是满足产品的耐蚀性、耐磨性、装饰或其他特种功能要求。Surface treatment is a process method for arti ...


Surface treatment is a process method for artificially forming a surface layer with different mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the substrate and the substrate on the surface of the matrix material. The purpose of surface treatment is to meet the corrosion resistance, wear resistance, decoration or other special function requirements of the product.


What are the galvanized sheet surface treatment methods?


According to the form of post-treatment, galvanized plates are divided into passivation, oil coating, passivation oil coating, patent seal, phosphorization or untreated categories.

(1) 钝化镀锌板。

1Blunt galvanized plate.


passivvation galvanized plate is to reduce the production of white rust under wet conditions, and a passivation protective film is further applied on the product surface after galvanized plating. According to the type of passivation film is divided into hexavalent chromium passivation, third-order chromium passivation, chromium-free passivation and other products, generally not used in zinc ferroalloy plate.

(2) 涂油镀锌板。

2Oil coated zinc plate.


The purpose of oil is also to prevent products from damp and produce white rust. However, because the antirust oil is extremely volatile or erased, it can only work before use. The methods of coating include electrostatic coating and roller coating. If you want to prevent the product from producing white rust during the use period, it is best to use the passivation and oil coating method. Color coating substrate is more suitable for light coating oil treatment, the coated oil can be cleaned and removed in the pretreatment of color coating line.

(3) 漆封镀锌板。

3Paint sealed galvanized plate.


Coated seal is commonly known as fingerprint resistant products, in order to prevent galvanized products in the processing process of leaving fingerprints, in the surface of galvanized products coated with a very thin fingerprint resistant protective film, but also can improve the corrosion resistance of the product performance and the product coating performance. Suitable for the special needs of home appliances products.

(4) 磷化镀锌板。

4Phosphorylated galvanized plate.


Galvanized steel plate is to prevent corrosion on the surface of the steel plate, prolong its service life, on the steel plate surface coated with a layer of metal zinc, this zinc-coated sheet steel plate is called galvanized plate. Galvanizing is an economical and effective corrosion prevention method, about half of the world's zinc production is used in this process.


The effect of the surface after the treatment

(1) 提高镀锌板的表面平整度。光整后镀锌板的平整度有一定的提高,镀锌板的浪形得到部分消除,同时也能将表面的渣粒或其他凸凹不平的点状物压平,使表面变得光滑平整。 

1Improve the surface flatness of the galvanized sheet. After light finishing, the flatness of the galvanized sheet has been improved to a certain extent, the wave shape of the galvanized sheet is partially eliminated, but also can be the surface of the slag particles or other uneven points flat, so that the surface becomes smooth and smooth.

(2) 调整镀锌板表面的粗糙度。通过控制光整机工作辊表面的粗糙度,可以使镀锌板表面原来不均匀的粗糙度统一到一定的范围。这样能改善产品的涂装性和加工时的润滑性。 

2Adjust the roughness of the galvanized sheet surfaces. By controlling the roughness of the working roller surface of the whole optical machine, the original uneven roughness of the galvanized plate surface can be unified to a certain range. This can improve the product coating performance and lubrication during processing.

(3) 改善镀锌板的表面色泽。对于小锌花、无锌花产品,通过光整可以使镀锌板获得一个光泽度更加均匀一致的表面。对于某些民营企业采用大锌花产品作为彩涂基板来说,能使大锌花因结晶形成的锌花凸点和不同的光泽度得到平整统一,使锌花变得模糊不清,有利于在涂装时遮盖掉锌花。 

3Improve the surface color of the galvanized plates. For small zinc flower, zinc-free flower products, through the light finishing can make the galvanized plate to obtain a more uniform gloss surface. For some private enterprises to use the large zinc flower products as a color coating substrate, can make the large zinc flower because of the crystallization of the zinc flower convex point and different gloss to get smooth and unified, so that the zinc flower becomes blurred, is conducive to cover up the zinc flower when painting.


(4) Improve the processing performance of the galvanized plate. By photofinishing, the yield platform of the galvanized plate can vanish or is not obvious, which can prevent the metal slip line in the later processing.





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