轻钢材料酒钢Z275镀锌铝镁轻钢龙骨压型板镀镁铝锌板无铬耐指纹板卷 ...

2022-2-15 10:48
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

锌铝镁是一种合金金属,主要是用作钢及钢制品的表面防腐蚀处理,包括包括各种锌系列的镀层和大量的钢制件整件浸镀防腐;一开始用作钢制品表面防腐处理的金属是纯锌,随着技术的发展的改进,陆续出现了铝锌合金和锌铝 ...


Zinc aluminum magnesium is an alloy metal, mainly used as surface corrosion prevention treatment of steel and steel products, including coating including various zinc series and a large number of steel parts; steel products surface corrosion treatment is pure zinc, with the improvement of technology, alloy metals such as aluminum zinc alloy, increasing the corrosion resistance effect of metal layer.



Other such as galvanized, aluminum galvanized zinc, its corrosion and rust performance can not be compared with magnesium aluminum zinc, compared with galvanized plate, the service life is 10-20 times the galvanized under the same coating situation.The original purpose of magnesium plating aluminum and zinc is to use thin coated metal to achieve the effect of a thicker galvanizing layer.It is 3-5 times more aluminum-galvanized.If there is width requirements, you need to cut into a specific width size. After you cut off with the shear machine, the edge incision is no coating protection, ordinary steel plate will begin to rust, so many galvanized plate, galvanized zinc rust from the edge.The own incision protection function of magnesium-coated aluminum and zinc ensures that all this will not happen, and the coating on the surface is mobile, which will gradually wrap the exposed matrix metal over time, without any additional treatment.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd., founded in 2014, has been providing customers with one-stop processing and distribution services for many years.The company is located in Shunde Lecong, Guangdong Province, product supply radiation to the country, even Hong Kong and Macao, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East and other places.The annual sales volume of 10,000 tons of high-quality steel (mainly cold rolled steel plate, hot rolled steel plate, galvanized steel plate, zinc ferroalloy, aluminum galvanized plate, color coated steel plate, pickling plate roll, stainless steel plate), spot stock of 1,000 tons, complete varieties and specifications.Sales business hotline: 13825566148 Su Sheng





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