佛山镀锌板厂家加工定做镀锌板消防镀锌钢板水箱装配式热镀锌水箱  ...

2022-3-4 10:00
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

消防镀锌钢板水箱是在水箱钢板的表层镀一层锌,使水箱板面形成致密镀锌层,目的是为了使水箱整体抗氧化,延长镀锌钢板水箱的使用寿命。具有耐酸、耐碱、不渗、不漏、不腐蚀、不变形、水质清洁卫生等长处。是储存冷热 ...


Fire fighting galvanized steel plate water tank is a layer of zinc plating on the surface of the water tank steel plate, so that the water tank plate surface forms a dense galvanized layer, the purpose is to make the water tank overall antioxidant, prolong the service life of the galvanized steel plate water tank.Has acid resistance, alkali resistance, no seepage, no leakage, no corrosion, no deformation, water quality cleaning and other advantages.It is an environmental protection water tank for storing hot and cold water and other drinking water.


Hot galvanized tank is Q235 steel plate hot galvanized, molded molding.The middle clip water glue strip, the water tank plate has 12 bolt holes, put on the screw glue strip, internal assembly on the tendon, support, inside and outside ladder, manhole, level gauge, screws, glue, plugging, floating ball, can be arbitrary composed of various specifications of the water tank.



Galvanized plate is very good advantage is hot base galvanizing, galvanized layer than the market common 80g is more than 120g, to buy to buy this more than zinc layer of water tank, so it is very corrosion resistant, high temperature resistance, do not pick water quality, very suitable for fire water tank.

对于佛山钢材市场上价格参差不齐的价格,小编建议选择市场上有信誉的镀锌板厂家,例如佛山市万庆物资有限公司,贵司位于乐从钢材批发市场,长期销售镀锌钢板、热镀锌钢板、电镀锌钢板等钢板,与各大钢厂品牌长期保持合作关系。如您有任何钢板需要,可拨打13380241768业务热线,on call36小时!

For Foshan steel market price is uneven, small make up suggested to choose the market reputable galvanized plate manufacturers, such as Foshan wanqing materials co., LTD., you is located in Lecong steel wholesale market, long-term sales of galvanized steel plate, hot galvanized steel plate, galvanized steel plate, and the major steel brand long-term cooperation.If you have any steel plate needs, call 13380241768 for on call36 hours!





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