304不锈钢板316不锈钢板光亮高强化工设备用不锈钢冷轧板材切割加工 ... ...

2022-4-27 09:57
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

不锈钢由于其具有优异的耐蚀性、成型性、相容性以及在很宽温度范围内的强韧性等系列特点,所以在石油化工、原子能、轻工、纺织、食品、家用器械等方面得到广泛地应用。而不锈钢冷轧板带产品承继了不锈钢优良的耐蚀性 ...


Stainless steel has its excellent corrosion resistance, formability, compatibility, and a wide temperature range, so in petrochemical, atomic energy, light industry, textile, food, household equipment and other aspects.And stainless steel cold rolled plate strip products inherit the excellent corrosion resistance and processing of stainless steel, through different processing methods and surface reprocessing after cold rolling, can make the stainless steel surface have different levels of surface finish, grain and color, become the most widely selected structure of stainless steel.


Stainless steel is a widely selected metal material for its excellent corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties and processing performance.Through different processing methods and surface reprocessing after cold rolling, the stainless steel surface can have different levels of surface finish, grain and color.The surface machining of stainless steel cold rolled plate is 2, D, 2B, No.3, No.4,240,320, No.7, No.8, HL, BA, TR hard state, embossed, etc.On the basis of cold rolling surface, electroplating, electropolishing, no directional hair pattern, etching, shot blasting, coloring, coating and its combination can be further implemented.With hot rolled pickling No.1 surface and mesh plate, stainless steel surface can reach more than 20 kinds.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD., stainless steel cold rolled plate strip sales in the process technology, operation skills, equipment configuration, quality management level and other aspects must be excellence, in order to meet the requirements of customers as far as possible.





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