DX51D+ZM275高耐自合金锌铝镁镀层涂油锌铝镁卷板覆膜钝化定尺开平锌铝镁板 ... ...

2022-4-30 10:09
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

锌铝镁镀层是一种综合性能非常优秀的镀层产品。锌铝镁镀层的耐蚀性远远高于镀锌和镀铝锌,对切断口的保护非常优良,焊接性能也很好,坊间传闻开发的目的是为了用于替代某些不锈钢的应用场景。在国内光伏农场建设刚刚 ...


Zinc, aluminum and magnesium coating is a coating product with very excellent comprehensive performance.The corrosion resistance of zinc aluminum magnesium coating is much higher than that of galvanizing and aluminum plated zinc, the protection of the cutting mouth is very excellent, and the welding performance is also very good. It is rumored that the development is to replace some stainless steel application scenarios.When the construction of domestic photovoltaic farms was just emerging, zinc aluminum magnesium steel plate was often used to make photovoltaic bracket.Japan (the cable bridge on the top floor of the East horizontal inn) and Qinghai (photovoltaic farm support) all have practical applications of this product.The trace of the coating flowing covered after corrosion near the cut port is a clear feature of this product.


Galvanized aluminum magnesium steel plate, like other galvanized steel plate, is susceptible to low melting point metal plating.In arc welding, compared with hot rolled and cold rolled steel plates, it is easy to increase in splash and pores and cause strength decline due to cracks.However, if the conditions are chosen properly, there will be no connection strength problem in the welding joints.





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