支架专用镀镁铝锌0.8mm镀锌铝镁板加工平板首钢高锌层275克使用寿命长 ...

2022-3-26 10:15
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀镁铝锌板具有独到的耐腐蚀性能,特别是切口保护性能。Magnesium-coated aluminum-zinc plate has a unique corrosion resistance performance, especially the incision protection performance.镀镁铝锌板镀层中 ...


Magnesium-coated aluminum-zinc plate has a unique corrosion resistance performance, especially the incision protection performance.


The combined action of magnesium and aluminum contained in the coating of magnesium plating aluminum zinc plate will produce a highly attached dense oxidation protective film on the surface of the coating in the long-term use, isolate the coating from the external corrosion environment, play the role of isolation and anticorrosion, and prevent corrosion of the coating.Magnesium is a more lively metal than aluminum, which is extremely easy to be oxidized in the air. The oxide film formed by solid magnesium is also more dense, which can effectively protect the internal tissue and prevent further oxidation.Because magnesium is different from aluminum, the uniform and fine distribution in the coating layer, the oxide film covers the whole coating surface, so that all the tissues in the coating are protected.



Plane corrosion of coating board mostly occurs in scratches, and scratch is an inevitable phenomenon of coating board, especially in the processing process, if the coating board itself has good scratch resistance performance, it can avoid scratches to a large extent, so as to improve its service life.


Galvanized aluminum magnesium plate for outdoor long-term use, such as high-speed guardrail, the requirements of product specifications thick, thick surface coating, can also use continuous hot galvanized aluminum magnesium method, such products are also used in solar equipment support, bridge components and so on.





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