珠三角锌铝镁合金金属钢板宝钢唐钢DX51D+ZM SCS51D锌铝镁卷用于墙体围护钢板 ...

2022-4-8 09:58
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

锌铝镁是一种合金金属,主要是用作钢及钢制品的表面防腐蚀处理,包括包括各种锌系列的镀层和大量的钢制件整件浸镀防腐;一开始用作钢制品表面防腐处理的金属是纯锌,随着技术的发展的改进,陆续出现了铝锌合金和锌铝 ...


Zinc aluminum magnesium is an alloy metal, mainly used as surface corrosion prevention treatment of steel and steel products, including various zinc series coating and a large number of steel parts coating anticorrosion; with the development of pure zinc, aluminum zinc alloy and zinc aluminum and magnesium alloy alloy metals, increasing the corrosion resistance effect of metal layer.


The coating of zinc aluminum and magnesium coating steel plate is composed of zinc, magnesium and aluminum, at the beginning of the research and development is to replace the use of some stainless steel, stainless steel corrosion resistance is good, but the cost is too high, the rest of the galvanized series steel plate surface is less corrosion resistant than stainless steel, and the protection ability of the section or coating damage is poor.Zinc aluminum magnesium coated steel red rust resistance and shear section self-healing anticorrosion is excellent, initial corrosion products will flow and cover bare substrate to achieve self-protection, and is far better than the welding performance of aluminum zinc plating steel plate, solved the ordinary plating plate cannot effectively protect the shear break, leakage point, coating the disadvantages of the damage, is one of the comprehensive performance closest to the stainless steel coated steel plate.


Zinc aluminum magnesium coating, is a very good comprehensive performance of alloy metal, the manufacturing cost is only slightly higher than aluminum zinc coating, its coating corrosion resistance is much higher than pure zinc and aluminum zinc alloy, at the same time, the protection performance of steel plate incision is very good, the welding performance is comparable to pure zinc steel plate.At present, zinc aluminum magnesium steel plate has a direct application of zinc aluminum magnesium steel plate in the market, at the same time as the application of color substrate plate is also mass production by Baosteel and a large number of applications, directly naked zinc aluminum aluminum aluminum magnesium, as a color substrate zinc aluminum magnesium steel plate belongs to low aluminum zinc aluminum magnesium.In the future, with the gradual improvement of material requirements for construction and various industries, zinc, aluminum and magnesium coated steel plate may gradually replace the application of aluminum-coated galvanized steel plate in the market.


The zinc, aluminum and magnesium plating plate developed by Baosteel has higher corrosion resistance, better formability and excellent corrosion resistance compared with the existing hot plated pure galvanized, hot plated galvanized ferroalloy and galvanplated automobile plates.





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