1.2mm首钢镀锌板DX51D双面镀锌高强度钢板开平分条铁皮卷料切割加工配送 ...

2022-4-14 10:13
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

随着汽车产量的提高及质量要求的提升,镀锌板在我国汽车工业的应用前景十分广阔。汽车的安全性是消费者购车考虑的重要因素,在碰撞吸能效果相同的前提下,钢板强度较高、车自重较重的车型,在碰撞时肯定会相对更安全 ...


With the improvement of automobile production and quality requirements, the application prospect of galvanized plate in China's automobile industry is very broad.The safety of a car is an important factor for consumers to consider when buying a car. Under the premise of the same energy absorption effect in collision, the models with higher steel plate strength and heavy car weight will certainly be relatively safer in collision.


The use of high-strength galvanized high-strength steel plate can ensure the durability of the body.Double-sided galvanized high strength steel plate can ensure that the body long-term rust prevention, the body strength will not decrease with the extension of use time.At present, most of the independent brand cars use a single-sided galvanized steel plate, its corrosion resistance and strength are lower than the double-sided galvanized high-strength steel plate.Compared with ordinary carbon structural steel plate, high strength steel plate has better strength and ductility, and better dynamic impact resistance. At the same time, double-sided galvanized steel plate is equivalent to a layer of protective film on the vehicle cover, corrosion resistance time is extended, and the body strength is also improved.


The effect of galvanized steel plate, is through the surface galvanized to protect the carbon steel inside, long-term use is not easy to rust a plate.Although this kind of plate will be slightly more expensive than ordinary carbon steel plate, but because of the need to prevent rust and other spraying process, so from the cost of the whole product, the cost of galvanized plate is relatively low.





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