学校办公楼医院行政会所装饰工程用镀锌板护墙板集成背景钢制墙板 ...

2022-3-12 10:41
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

墙面装修要选择什么材料呢?一般会用乳胶漆、墙布、硅藻泥、木板等之类的,但这些都被镀锌板取替了,新潮镀锌板的护墙板,你听说过没?我们一起来了解下吧!What material should the wall decoration choose?Genera ...


What material should the wall decoration choose?Generally will use latex paint, wall cloth, diatom mud, board and so on, but these are galvanized board, the trendy galvanized board, have you heard of?Let's understand it together!


The use of galvanized board instead of board, to do wall board decoration wall, not only can protect the wall from infringement, but also sound insulation insulation, heat insulation, decorative effect is more beautiful than wallpaper, wall paint.The waterproof effect of galvanized plate is good, can avoid for a long time, the wall moldy drum problem.From the material point of view, sound insulation insulation effect is also good, more durable than wooden wallboard.Galvanized board directly brush anti-corrosion coating, and then directly installed on the wall, than the wood wallboard will be installed some convenient, wood wallboard needs to first on the woodworking board bottom, and then on the panel, but also brush paint, the construction process is more tedious.


The galvanized layer on the surface of the galvanized plate is a metallurgical structure, which has stronger toughness and will not appear depressed at a touch.With galvanized steel sheet to decorate the wall, also can protect the wall from "infringement", and decoration handling materials, furniture or later life moving table, sofa, etc., even if knock hit the wall, galvanized plate surface will not leave traces.






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