猪用养殖设备浦项镀镁铝锌板耐划伤2.0*1250酒钢镀镁铝锌板耐腐开平分条 ... ...

2021-12-18 10:56
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀镁铝锌板中的镁首要用于制作铝合金,镁作为合金元素能够进步铝的机械强度,改进机械加工及耐碱腐蚀功能。因为镁基合金(含铝、锰、锌、锂等)的结构件或压铸件的比强度(单位分量的强度)大,在轿车、航空、航天等工业 ...


Magnesium in magnesium plated aluminum zinc plate is first used for the production of aluminum alloy, magnesium as an alloy element, magnesium can improve the mechanical strength of aluminum, improve mechanical processing and alkali corrosion resistance function.Because the specific strength of magnesium-based alloy (including aluminum, manganese, zinc, lithium, etc.,) (strength of unit component) is large, in sedan, aviation, aerospace and other industries, the replacement of aluminum with magnesium can reduce the weight of the structure.Because of the strong strength of magnesium and halogen, magnesium is an important reducing agent used to produce titanium, zirconium, hafnium, uranium, hafnium and beryllium by metal thermal reduction method.Magnesium is used as a globular agent to produce ductile cast iron.The replacement of desulfurization with magnesium at the steel smelting top can make the reduction of sulfur content in the steel lower and the rapid increase of magnesium consumption in this respect.In the organic composition, the Grinard (Grignard) response using magnesium can form a variety of messy organic compounds.Magnesium is also used as an anode material for chemical storage tanks, underground pipes and hull protection.Use magnesium to make dry batteries, magnesium- -seawater storage batteries.Magnesium is burned because of the high heat, and it is announced as a dazzling flame, using magnesium to make flares, incineration bombs and fireworks.In addition, magnesium can also be used as a new energy storage material.



Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. Main engaged in: galvanized aluminum and magnesium plate, aluminum plated plate, aluminum plated galvanized plate, pickling plate, etc.The company is located in Foshan, Guangdong Province, is a wholesale, processing, logistics, export of iron and steel enterprises.Welcome to call for consultation!





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