镀铝锌彩色涂层钢板加工压型聚氨酯封边岩棉板防火保温板材 ...

2022-7-23 17:32
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

聚氨酯封边岩棉板是以不燃性结构岩棉为芯材,以镀锌或镀铝锌彩色涂层钢板为饰面,两端聚氨酯封边,通过专业开发的粘胶剂,二者形成相互作用复合而成的高品质节能建筑板材。它集防火、保温隔热、隔噪音与美观装饰性于 ...


Polyurethane edge sealing rock wool board is the non-combustible structure rock wool as the core material, galvanized or galvanized zinc color coating steel plate as the decoration, both ends of the polyurethane edge sealing, through the professional development of adhesive, the two form the interaction composite of high quality energy-saving building plate. It integrates fire prevention, heat insulation, noise insulation and beautiful decoration in one.

聚氨酯封边岩棉板硬质发泡是目前国际公认好的建筑围护防火保温板材。其导热系数低、耐荷性好、抗弯强度高、不吸水、不腐烂、不虫蛀鼠咬、阻燃性好、耐温范围大。利用聚氨酯( PU.PIR )的物理特性及独特配方,将聚氨酯发泡剂均匀喷覆在彩涂钢板上,使发泡剂在彩涂钢板之间发泡成型成为三层一次性成型的聚氨酯( PU.PIR )彩钢复合夹芯板。这种新的轻型建材是彩涂钢板与聚氨酯的完美结合,是轻型建材的发展方向。

Polyurethane sealing rock wool board hard foam is internationally recognized as a better building envelope fire insulation board. Its low thermal conductivity, good load resistance, high bending strength, no water absorption, no decay, no moth and rat bite, good flame resistance, large temperature resistance range. Using the physical characteristics and unique formula of polyurethane (PU.PIR), the polyurethane foaming agent is evenly sprayed on the color coated steel plate, so that the foaming agent between the color coated steel plate is formed into three one-time formed polyurethane (PU.PIR) color steel composite sandwich plate. This new light building materials is the perfect combination of color coated steel plate and polyurethane, is the development direction of light building materials.


The metal panel of polyurethane sealing rock cotton board adopts high quality galvanized or galvanized zinc color coated steel plate, with excellent anti-corrosion and anti-aging performance.





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