佛山万庆冷轧带钢规格用途鞍钢本钢板带冷轧板卷代加工配送一站式 ... ...

2021-4-19 10:49
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

冷轧带钢是指以热轧带钢和钢板为原料,在常温下经冷轧机轧制成带钢和薄板。冷轧带材或板材具有表面光洁度好、平整性好、尺寸精度高和力学性能好等优点。佛山市万庆物资有限公司冷轧带钢的厚度有0.2~3mm,宽度有100 ...


Cold rolled strip steel refers to the hot rolled strip and steel plate as raw material, at room temperature by cold rolling mill rolled into strip and thin plate.Cold rolled strip or plate has the advantages of good surface finish, good smoothness, high size precision and good mechanical properties.



The cold rolled strip of Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is 0.2~3mm thick and the width is 100~2000mm. With hot rolled strip as raw material through four-roll or six-roll cold rolling mill at room temperature.Steel less than 0.2mm thickness is called extremely thin strip or foil, is made of cold rolled strip, further processing, usually using multi-roll mill rolling.Due to the wide variety of product specifications, high size precision, good surface quality, mechanical performance and process performance are better than hot rolled strip steel, it is widely used in machinery manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, locomotive and rolling stock, building structure, aviation rocket, light industry food, electronic instruments and household appliances and other industrial departments.



Foshan Wanqing cold rolling strip steel products are many varieties, the process is also different.Representative cold-rolled strip steel products are metal coated sheet (including tin plate and galvanized plate, etc.), deep stamping steel plate (with the most automotive plate), electrical silicon steel plate, stainless steel plate, coating (or composite) steel plate, etc.Cold rolled strip finished supply status of plate or roll or longitudinal shear belt, depending on the user requirements.Foshan Wanqing provides you with diversified processing services.






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