广东工字钢建筑支撑钢梁钢结构工程工字钢Q235热轧工字钢定尺寸切割 ... ...

2022-3-3 17:19
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

工字钢也称钢梁(英文名称Universal Beam),是截面为工字形的长条钢材。工字钢主要分普通工字钢和轻型工字钢,低合金轻型工字钢三种。工字钢广泛用于各种建筑结构、桥梁、车辆、支架、机械等。工字钢普通工字钢和轻型 ...

工字钢也称钢梁(英文名称Universal Beam),是截面为工字形的长条钢材。工字钢主要分普通工字钢和轻型工字钢,低合金轻型工字钢三种。工字钢广泛用于各种建筑结构、桥梁、车辆、支架、机械等。工字钢普通工字钢和轻型工字钢的翼缘由根部向边上逐渐变薄的,有一定的角度,普通工字钢和轻型工字钢的型号是用其腰高厘米数的阿拉伯数字来表示,腹板、翼缘厚度和翼缘宽度不同其规格,以腰高( h)x腿宽(b)x腰厚(d)的毫数表示如普工160x88x6,即表示腰高为160毫米,腿宽为88毫米,腰厚为6毫米的普通工字钢。轻工160x81x5,即表示腰高为160毫米,腿宽为81毫米,腰厚为5毫米的轻型工字钢。普通工字钢的规格也可用型号表示,型号表示腰高的厘米数,如普工16#.腰高相同的工字钢,如有几种不同的腿宽和腰厚,需在型号右边加a b c 予以区别,如普工32#a32#b32#c等。

I-shaped steel, also known as steel beam (English name Universal Beam), is a long steel section of I-shaped.I-word steel is mainly divided into ordinary steel and light steel, low alloy light steel three kinds.I-word steel is widely used in various building structures, Bridges, vehicles, supports, and machinery.I steel ordinary Chinese steel and light I steel wing root thinning to the edge, has a certain Angle, ordinary Chinese steel and light industrial steel type is with the waist height number of Arabic numbers, abdomen, wing thickness and wing width are different specifications, with waist height (h) x leg width (b) x waist thickness (d) such as "general worker 160x88x6", meaning waist height is 160 mm, leg width is 88 mm, waist thickness is 6 mm ordinary Chinese steel."Light industry 160x81x5", which means light I-word steel with waist height, 81 mm and 5 mm leg width.The specifications of ordinary I-word steel can also be indicated by the model, the model indicates the waist height of centimeters, such as the general worker 16 #. I-word steel with the same waist height, if there are several different leg width and waist thickness, you need to add a b c on the right side of the model, such as general workers 32 # a, 32 # b, 32 # c, etc.


The wing reason of ordinary I steel and light industrial steel is gradually thin to the edge, with a certain Angle.Because the cross section size is relatively high and narrow, the moment of inertia of the two main sleeves of the cross section is quite different, therefore, it can only be used directly for the members bent in the belly plane or to form the lattice structure bearing component.


Due to the reasonable shape of the cross section, they can make the steel play more high efficiency and improve the cutting ability.Unlike the ordinary I-word steel, the flings of the H-type steel are widened, and the inner and outer surfaces are usually parallel, allowing for easy connection with high-strength bolts and other components.Its size composition is reasonable, complete model, easy to design and choose.Reasonable I-word steel shall be selected according to its mechanical properties, chemical properties, soldable properties and structural dimensions.





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