鞍钢镀锌板0.4mm镀锌板刨坑折弯镀锌铁皮有花无花80g镀锌板材激光切割 ... ...

2021-12-8 10:45
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀锌卷,是新型材料之一,它的主要原料是锌合金,生产工艺是连续镀锌。镀锌卷的分类和型号有很多,我们主要是按照它的性能将其分类。镀锌卷具有良好的密卓性和焊接性;具有很强的抗腐蚀能力。可以防止钢板表面遭受腐 ...


Galvanized roll, is one of the new materials, its main raw material is zinc alloy, the production process is continuous galvanizing.There are many classifications and models of galvanized rolls, which we mainly classify by its performance.Galvanized roll have good tightness and welding; strong corrosion resistance.It can prevent the steel plate surface from suffering from corrosion and extend its service life.And the galvanized rolls look clean, more beautiful, and add decorative properties.


镀锌板卷是以热轧钢带或冷轧钢带为基板,经过连续热浸镀锌工艺而生产出来的。经横切以矩形平板供货的为热镀锌板;经卷取以卷状供货的热镀锌卷。镀锌板卷因此可分为热轧镀锌板卷和冷轧热镀锌板卷,它们主要用于建筑、家电、汽车、容器、交通及家业等领域。特别是钢结构建筑、汽车制造、钢板仓制造等行业。 它们的特点主要为:耐腐蚀强、表面质量好、得利于深加工、经济实用等。

Galvanized sheets are produced using hot rolled or cold rolled strips as a continuous hot dip galvanization process.Hot galvanized plate supplied by rectangular plate and hot galvanized sheet supplied by coil.Galvanized rolls can therefore be divided into hot rolled galvanized rolls and cold rolled hot galvanized rolls, which are mainly used in construction, home appliances, automobiles, containers, transportation and home industry.Especially the steel structure construction, automobile manufacturing, steel plate warehouse manufacturing and other industries.Their main characteristics are mainly: strong corrosion resistance, good surface quality, conducive to deep processing, economic and practical, etc.


本公司经营首钢、鞍钢、邯钢、唐钢、九江迁安等厂家的镀锌卷,并代客户开平定尺,不定尺,分卷,分条等业务!另有大量管材及板材供应! 友情提醒:由于市场价格波动很大,如需报价请来电,电话:13380241768(陈生)

The company operates the galvanized rolls of Shougang, Anshan Steel, Handan Steel, Tangang Steel, Jiujiang Qianan and other manufacturers, and opens the leveling ruler, variable ruler, roll division, strip division and other businesses on behalf of customers!Another large number of pipe materials and plate supply!Friendship reminder: because of the large market price fluctuations, if you need to quote, please call, telephone: 13380241768 (Chen Sheng)





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