吸油烟机外壳砂纹黑色彩钢板手感覆膜辊涂彩涂板压花彩涂板加工 ...

2021-12-7 10:38
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

压花彩涂板可应用在家电面板中,其特征是:以钢板为底板,在钢板的表面覆以耐腐蚀底漆层,在底漆层上覆以耐久性面漆层形成坯板,针对坯板利用压花辊轮通过轧制工艺在耐久性面漆层上形成轧制图案。该产品新型应用于家 ...


embocoating plate can be applied in the home appliance panel, its characteristics is: steel plate as the bottom plate, corrosion resistant primer layer on the surface of the steel plate, on the primer layer to form a blank, for the blank plate using embossed roller wheel to form a rolling pattern on the durability coating layer through rolling process.The new product is used in the home appliance panel, novel and beautiful, simple processing process.



Color steel plate as a new material has good advantages over the traditional brick and tile, embocolor coating plate processing, not only colorful color in corrosion prevention, moisture-proof and fire proof, or leakage and rain prevention are very good.Now more and more factories or high-speed railway station airport and other large buildings are built with good quality color steel plate, emboplate, good color steel plate can be maintained for ten years so that more than 20 years of use, better color steel plate can also be ten years without paint.


Compared with the ordinary color coating board, the embossed color coating plate not only has the material lightweight, strong scratch resistance and other characteristics, but also has a very high visual aesthetic sense, which can meet the higher requirements of users.In addition, this kind of products can achieve green and environmental protection in the material processing, in line with the development trend of color coating products.





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