广东镀铝锌板厂建筑屋面镀铝锌光板高锌层耐指纹镀铝锌板加工配送 ...

2021-8-20 10:11
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

镀铝锌厚钢板的物理性能具体表现在抗拉强度、抗压强度,延伸率。一般DC51D型号150克/平方米的镀锌板,一般抗拉强度在140-300mpa中间,抗压强度在200-330中间,延伸率在13-25中间。而型号DC51D+AZ镀铝锌150克/平方米的 ...


The physical properties of aluminum-coated galvanized thick steel plate are embodied in the tensile strength, compressive strength and elongation rate.General DC51D model 150 g / square meter of galvanized plate, general tensile strength in 140-300mpa middle, compressive strength in 200-330 middle, elongation rate in the middle of 13-25.The tensile strength of DC51D + AZ aluminized zinc 150 g / m meter thick steel plate is in the middle of 230-400Mpa, compressive strength in 230-550, and extension rail in the middle of 15-45.


Foshan wanqing materials co., LTD., its thickness from 0.35mm to 1.2mm, the surface of zinc flower for light whole zinc flowers, can be used for construction and home appliances with two purposes, as a building general surface need to do fingerprint treatment, with the protective film can avoid contact with the air or handling stolen goods, so also known as fingerprint resistant aluminum zinc plate.The thickness of the fingerprint resistant light plate for general buildings is more than 0.5mm. When used as a roof, according to the different tile type, you can choose one meter wide, one meter two width or 600mm width.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD. Friendship reminds you, Baosteel Huangshi aluminum galvanized resistant fingerprint light plate is not spot at present, can only order through the agency channel, the delivery cycle is 25~30 days.



Steel structure building roof aluminum zinc resistant fingerprint plate is usually used as Angle chi 470 type lock seam tile material, the tile type has good wind resistance performance, not easy to leak, good drainage performance and high bearing capacity, with 0.6mm thickness light plate and insulation cotton use, not only makes the building roof beautiful and generous, but also ensure the effect of thermal insulation and waterproof.It is a good choice for modern steel structure building roof.





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