佛山彩色不锈钢压花板建筑装潢整体橱柜玫瑰金304不锈钢压花板批发 ... ...

2020-8-15 10:01
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

不锈钢压花板又名不锈钢冲压板、是在钢板表面施以凹凸的花纹,用于要求光洁度和观赏性的地方。压花板通过精致的模具,经过冲床的冲压成型。压花轧制时是用带有图案的工作辊轧制的,其工作辊通常用侵蚀液体加工的,板 ...


Stainless steel embossed plate, also known as stainless steel stamping plate, is applied with concave convex patterns on the surface of the steel plate, which is used where smoothness and ornamental are required. The embossed plate is formed by stamping with a punch through a delicate die. Embossing rolling is rolled with a work roll with a pattern. The work roll is usually processed with erosive liquid. The concave convex depth on the plate varies with the pattern, about 20-30 microns.



The main materials of stainless steel embossed plate of Foshan Wanqing materials are 201, 202, 304, 316 and other models. The general specifications and dimensions are 1000 * 2000mm, 1219 * 2438mm and 1219 * 3048mm; It can be opened to an indefinite length or embossed in a whole roll, with a thickness of 0.3mm ~ 2.0mm.


Stainless steel embossing process is a process that uses concave convex mold and stainless steel coil to produce deformation under certain pressure, so as to carry out artistic processing on the surface of stainless steel. The embossed stainless steel surface presents different patterns and textures, with obvious relief three-dimensional feeling, which enhances the artistic appeal of stainless steel plate. It is mainly used in architectural decoration, elevator decoration, counter top, kitchen top, cabinet, etc.



The stainless steel embossed board itself has the characteristics of thermal insulation, waterproof and flame retardant, light weight and earthquake resistance, convenient construction, convenient sound insulation, sound insulation and noise reduction, green environmental protection, beautiful and durable. At the same time, the assembly method is simple and practical, and is not limited by the seasonal environment. Therefore, the installation and use is very safe and convenient, suitable for all seasons. As a major innovation of metal products, this metal embossing board highlights its absolute advantages.






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