轻钢住宅热浸镀55%铝锌钢卷0.5*1000 耐指纹镀铝锌150克耐指纹光板卷 ...

2021-11-6 10:25
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

钢材具备较高的抗拉强度和屈服点比较高。屈服点高可以减小截面,从而减轻自重,节约钢材,降低造价;抗拉强度高,可以增加结构的安全保障。由于采用镀锌或镀铝-锌合金的轻钢龙骨并且采用封闭的防潮体系,从而有效地 ...


Steel has high tensile strength and high yield point. High yield point can reduce the section, so as to reduce the self weight, save steel and reduce the cost; High tensile strength can increase the safety guarantee of the structure. Due to the use of galvanized or aluminum zinc alloy light steel keel and closed moisture-proof system, the corrosion of steel is effectively controlled and the service life of the structure is longer than that of the residence.


The corrosion resistance of "55% aluminum zinc plated steel coil" comes from the barrier protection function of aluminum and the sacrificial protection function of zinc. When zinc makes sacrificial protection in the cutting, scratch and coating scratch parts, aluminum forms an insoluble oxide layer to play the function of barrier protection. The aluminum zinc alloy steel coil has been exposed to various atmospheric environments for more than 20 years. It is confirmed that the edge cutting protection function of 55% aluminum zinc plated steel plate is better than that of galvanized steel plate and 5% aluminum zinc plated steel plate.

热镀铝锌钢板是以各种强度和厚度规格的冷轧钢板为基材,在双面热镀一层Al-Zn镀层所得到的预镀层钢板,镀层成分中质量百分比为55%Al(铝)、43.5% Zn(锌)、1.5%Si(硅),融合了Al的物理保护和高耐久性以及Zn的电化学保护特性,材料具有基板钢的强度和塑性,又有镀层的耐腐蚀性,它能保护金属基体内部不再受到腐蚀,此外,在表面呈具有高装饰性的光亮银灰色泽及规则的花纹,并具有浮凸感。

Hot dip aluminum zinc steel plate is a pre coated steel plate obtained by hot plating a layer of Al Zn coating on both sides with cold-rolled steel plates of various strength and thickness specifications as the substrate. The mass percentage of coating composition is 55% Al (aluminum), 43.5% Zn (zinc) and 1.5% Si (silicon). It integrates the physical protection and high durability of Al and the electrochemical protection characteristics of Zn. The material has the strength and plasticity of substrate steel, It also has the corrosion resistance of the coating, which can protect the interior of the metal matrix from corrosion. In addition, it has a high decorative bright silver gray color and regular patterns on the surface, and has a sense of convexity.





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