乐从涂镀钢材厂家-宝钢有花热镀锌钢板-耐指纹板镀锌钢板厂家 ... ...

2021-6-19 12:03
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

热镀锌产品的特点是表面美观,耐腐蚀性好,加工性好。它分正常锌花和无锌花两种。之前的热镀锌产品由于锌液中的铅不能提炼得很纯净,表面总有一些锌花,所以我们传统观念里面热镀锌就是有锌花的。随着热镀锌钢板在汽 ...


Hot dip galvanized products are characterized by beautiful surface, good corrosion resistance and good processability. It is divided into normal zinc flower and zinc free flower. In the previous hot-dip galvanizing products, because the lead in the zinc solution can not be purified, there are always some zinc flowers on the surface, so in our traditional concept, hot-dip galvanizing has zinc flowers.



With the wide application of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet in automobile industry, normal zinc flower can not meet the requirements of coating. By reducing the lead content in zinc ingot and liquid zinc, products with no or little zinc flowers can be produced. Of course, if you like large zinc flowers used on buildings, you can also add elements such as lead or antimony to the liquid zinc, so that large and beautiful zinc flowers will appear in front of you.


Hot dip galvanizing process flow: workpiece → degreasing → water washing → acid pickling → water washing → dipping auxiliary plating solvent → drying and preheating → hot dip galvanizing → finishing → cooling → passivation → rinsing → drying → inspection.


The corrosion resistance of fingerprint plate is directly related to the film thickness. The denser the film, the thicker the film thickness, the stronger the ability to isolate water, oxygen and other corrosive media in the air, and the better the corrosion resistance.


Along the way, we have seen the step-by-step development of hot-dip galvanizing process. From a small experiment in the last century to now, it is almost filled in every corner of our life. There will be the fifth and sixth generation of new corrosion-resistant materials in the future. We are waiting for what changes and progress this process can bring to our future life.





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