乐从钢材批发市场_建筑桥梁用钢热轧Q345钢板耐大气腐蚀Q355钢板切割 ... ...

2022-3-24 17:32
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

Q345钢板指这种材质的屈服强度下限为345MPa,是一种低合金钢,综合力学性能良好,低温性能,易可塑性和焊接性良好,用做中低压容器、油罐、车辆、起重机、矿山机械、电站、桥梁等承受动荷的结构、机械零件、建筑结构 ...


Q345 steel plate refers to the yield strength of this material of 345MPa, is a low alloy steel, good comprehensive mechanical properties, low temperature performance, easy plasticity and weldability, used as low pressure containers, oil tanks, vehicles, cranes, mining machinery, power station, bridge structure, mechanical parts, building structure, general metal structure, hot rolled or hot state, can be used in the cold area above-40.Q345 steel plasticity (i. e. plasticity) and welding performance.If the plastic is good, it can be processed into various shapes.Good welding performance also make it easier to process, thus saving processing costs.


Steel plate for building bridge requires high strength, resistance and load and impact of locomotive and vehicles, and outstanding fatigue resistance, certain low temperature resistance and atmospheric corrosion resistance.Steel for tie-welding bridges shall also have outstanding welding function and low gap sensitivity.



In addition to mainly used in Bridges, many landmark buildings such as Shanghai global financial center, CCTV new site construction project, national stadium, national grand theatre, Shanghai expo pavilion, Shanghai expo pavilion, Shanghai expo, Shanghai expo culture center, the capital national airport, Shanghai pudong international airport, Shanghai international circuit are used Q345, as the mature, comprehensive performance of steel, its use proportion is very high, and more in the form of steel plate.





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