首钢SPHD热轧板汽车横梁车架用热轧钢卷4mm普中板可切割加工厚板开料 ...

2022-1-14 10:13
原作者: 佛山万庆物资 收藏 分享 邀请

热轧钢在汽车上主要用于制造横梁和车架等比较厚的零部件。它是在730℃以上的高温下轧制的,厚度在4mm以上。Hot-rolled steel is mainly used in cars to make thick parts such as beams and frames.It was rolled a ...


Hot-rolled steel is mainly used in cars to make thick parts such as beams and frames.It was rolled at high temperatures above 730, with a thickness of over 4mm.


Hot-rolled steel products, for the thickness and edge width of this aspect is not good to control.We are familiar with thermal expansion and cold contraction. At the beginning, even if the length and thickness reach the standard, there will be a certain negative difference after finally cooling. The wider the edge width of the negative difference, the thicker the thickness, the more obvious.Therefore, for the large steel, for the steel edge width, thickness, length, Angle, and the edge line can not be required for too accurate.


In the industrial practice of rolling process in iron body area, Shougang Jingtang Company has become the first enterprise in China to realize the annual output of hot rolled strip steel products in iron body area exceeds 10,000 tons.The rolling process is the cutting-edge process in the hot rolling industry.The rolling in the ferrite area uses low temperature rolling of small deformation resistance in the ferrite area, and then high winding temperature is adopted to improve the hot rolled strip plasticity, reduce the strength, realize the production of hot rolled strip products with high deep flushing performance and high elongation, and the surface quality of the strip is improved.While obtaining better product performance, the energy consumption in the process of hot rolling process is greatly reduced and the material rate is improved.


Hot rolling plate steel rolling technology is complex, so for relevant personnel, in the future work need to fully grasp the technical details, optimize the technology application path, and combined with the existing production experience to improve the processing process, so as to effectively avoid quality problems, eventually enhance the productivity of the enterprise, improve economic benefits, promote the enterprise to achieve long-term development.





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